Oil processing

Postira produced the most food per capita of all Adriatic islands, a place with a population of about
1200 produced annually 50-100 tons of olive oil, 20 wagons of wine, 50 tons of citrus, and a few tens
of tons of fruits and vegetables, as well as two thousand sheep herded by the locals.

Production 2014

Even today Postira production takes place almost at the same level, only the production of
tangerines and kiwis appears to be substantially scaled back. Throughout the recent period Postira

PZ acted as an essential factor in the organization of production, sale and marketing of products, and
has employed up to one hundred workers.
In the course of the war and a few years later Postira PZ relived their most difficult days. Because of
over-reduction of business activity, the cooperative business faced significant financial difficulties.
These problems were continuous, from year to year, hampering normal operations. Still, some
positive steps have been made in the last two or three years, but not nearly enough to be able to talk
about some kind of consolidation of operations of the cooperative.